Sunday, July 9, 2017

July - Week 1 - 2017

Dear Mom, Dad and Susan

Happy Independence day this week!  Dad and Susan, I hope you had a great time! It was so fun to have you here, Mom!

Mom and Ty just hanging out

Monday I took Anslie to see "Beauty and the Beast" at the dollar theater.  She hadn't seen it yet, and it was a super fun girl date!

Girls wanna have fun!

While we were gone Tucker and Tyler prepared family home evening.  They gave us a lesson on our national anthem (I gave them a youtube movie to show us ;)) and made us treats.  The story of the national anthem is interesting, it makes you hear the song in a new way.

Tuesday was the 4th.  The night before we were discussing plans around the dinner table and mentioned to you, Mom, that we would be gone for a couple hours in the morning because we were going to walk in a parade.  You surprised us all and said you wanted to be in the parade in your lie-down wheelchair!  Tucker loved walking in the parade with you while you both waved flags.  And Ty and Ans loved waving to you from the side.  We enjoyed a small fair of sorts afterwards.  It's put on by the town of Flower Mound.  It was more fun as we had Bryce's girls Emma, Carly and Brynn along with us while their parents painted a room in the home they will be moving into soon.

We loved our afternoon/evening at Lewisville Lake.  Isaac reserved us a camping spot on the lake that was more private and secluded.  Elise and her family came with the Beadle family, and Isaac and Rachael with the DeVores.  The kids played non-stop on the wave runners that pulled tubes and on the floating island.

Watching the parade with cousins.

Tucker and Grandma in the parade!

Little fish

The need for speed

The island was a hit! Hours of fun!

Kids are still practicing with swim team everyday.  Someone is in the pool from 7-11 am.  They do most of their chores before swim and then we try to do something fun in the afternoon.  I've loved the routine swim team has given us, and exercise for an hour everyday helps the kids not get the summer stir-crazies!

Wednesday we invited the Carrier kids over.  They played for awhile, then we had a water-balloon fight in the back yard.   We found a new thing -- a contraption that fills 100 water balloons in 60 seconds.  It's brilliant!  I see lots of water balloon fights in our future!

Filling water balloons, get your ammo ready!

No mercy!

On Thursday night Freeman asked what we had going on this weekend.  I joked that this was the weekend that he was going to take the kids away and I was going to plow through my to-do list.  He said, "We should do that!" and he did!  He booked a hotel for two nights and left me and my to-do list.  I got so much done!  They had a blast, and thought I would have liked to be with them, I was super grateful for the chance to catch up as he traveled for more than 4 weeks in the last 8 and will be gone again next weekend.

This picture cracks me up.  So Tucker.  He had Dad take it at the hotel
and send it to me to make me happy.

Last, I have sad news.  Both of the fish we were taking care of died!  We were mortified and couldn't figure out what we had done wrong.  I knew we couldn't handle a dog, but heavens we couldn't even handle two dumb fish!  That night as I tucked Tucker in, he told me with guilty eyes that he had something to tell me.  He had been with the fish when no one was around and noticed that they looked bored.  He had a container of bubbles and a wand, so he blew bubbles into their bowls to cheer them up!  Oh dear!  They both kicked the can within a couple hours.  The poor boy was mortified to realize he'd killed them.  But it wasn't intentional.  We will be making a trip to the pet store to buy new fish!

Here's a few more happy moments:
Green smoothies for everyone!
Summer afternoon shenanigans
Love, Michelle

June - Week 4 -2017: Missionaries, Fun Clubs, New Recipes

Dear Mom, Dad, and Susan,

I hope you've had a great week.  I know all about Mom's week since she's here.   It's been so wonderful to have you and its amazing how fast Tucker's reading is progressing.  We are enjoying hearing family history stories from you in the evening and just having you around!  Its been great to go on dates in the evening and not worry about a babysitter.

Somehow when school is in the house gets dirty and because I don't have time to clean it, I just get blind to how bad it really is!  I'm grateful for a summer schedule that pin me down as much.  I did all sorts of deep cleaning that hasn't been done for, well a long time.  Our bedroom blinds took me over an hour!  The kitchen sink window required steel wool and elbow grease. And the kids didn't recognize the laundry room after I'd cleaned it!  Sure feels good to get it cleaner.  In a week or so the new counters and wall painting will happen, so it will be nice to have some things more clean so we can enjoy the new stuff.

This week we got new pets!  Not really, we are just pet sitting, but its been exciting none-the-less.  We are watching the Coreless family's birds and the Rae family's two fish.  The kids love feeding the birds, they will come and sit on the kids hands if they put them in the cage!  And the fish, well, they just sit there.

We get to babysit birdies!
Monday we invited the missionaries over for dinner but they have a new rule that they can't eat with us after 6 pm and the husband has to be home, but Freeman doesn't get home before then.  So we took them dinner and then came to our house for an appointment.  We hadn't had these elders before and it was nice to get to know them.  Elder Slack, a new missionary, was especially humble and sincere as he bore his testimony.  And we enjoyed hearing about the other elder's adoption from Ghana when he was 10.  It was a blessing to have them in our home.

Missionaries visit for family home evening

Anslie and Tyler are both participating in "fun clubs" this summer.  Anslie's friend organized it last year -- 8 girls all the same age in our ward get together every Tuesday afternoon and a Mom hosts the get together.   The Mom teaches a new skill/hobby/etc and the girls get to be together.  It's awesome because Anslie gets to see her little friends and participate in a fun activity every week, and I only have to plan one!  It can be hard to arrange play dates in the summer because everyone travels, so this is great.  I liked it so much that I organized one for the boys Tyler's age.  And while they are gone Tucker gets to invite a friend over.  And everyone is happy and I get a few hours off.  Win win!

Wednesday most friends were out of town.  The kids stayed home all day and played together.  They put on funny shows for me where Tyler would sit behind Tucker and put his hands and legs in front like they were Tuckers and make gestures.  It was pretty darn funny.  Click here to see one!
Tucker with hands/legs by Tyler!

Toward the end of the school year I realized I was hearing "we're having that for dinner AGAIN!?" often.  Which has never really bothered me before.  But I realized that I was sick of eating the same things over and over too!  So I decided to change my ways and try to make a new recipe most nights this summer.  It sounded daunting but its been fun and not that hard.   I found a blog I really like called "Skinnytaste" that has yummy, healthy stuff.  On Wednesday I made a shrimp, avocado, tomato dish.  I thought they would hate it -- and they gobbled it up.  Hurrah!!!
My favorite dish of the week - lettuce wraps (this is the filling).  Yummo!!

On Thursday they kids got stir crazy and I new Freeman and I were leaving, so to make things fun while we were gone, I took the kids to the grocery store and gave them each $3.  They got to spend it on any food they wanted except treats, and that would be dinner.  They ended up with pizza, drinks, and rolls.  Not the most nutritious of meals but they were OVER THE MOON about it.  They "made" dinner and cleaned it up with gusto.  Its the simple things!
Look what we got for dinner Mom!!
Summer is flying by too quickly.  But its nice to write these things down, capture the fun, and relive them one more time.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

June-Week 3-2017: Cupcakes & Baby Showers

Dear Mom and Dad,

Well, I'm back at the family journal.  One of my biggest motivations for this is to keep in better touch with you and let you in on our daily lives.  We love you.

A month ago Freeman and I took my ring in to be cleaned.  The manager surprised us when he emerged from the lab and announced that my ring was falling apart and that since we had a warranty, we could pick a new ring!  So Monday we headed to Jared’s and tried on rings.  Kind of a fun prospect to pick a new ring as my tastes have changed.  

Tuesday was a treat.  Grandma Linton invited all the girl cousins to her house for a tutorial in cupcake decorating.  Giselle Meiling, Freeman’s cousin who lives in Fort Worth with her husband while he attends medical school, has taught herself the art of cupcake decorating.  She is a natural teacher and was so well prepared to show us how to make buttercream and how to use each of the decorating tips.  Grandma bought a small set of tips for each person and Giselle brought laminated practice sheets for us to try them on before decorating the cupcakes.  The kids loved learning, Brynn softly squealed with delight as the frosting poured out in fun designs on her cupcake.  Anslie really took to it, and the next day she taught her friend Allie how to do it and tried making the rose decoration on her cupcake.  Such a fun skill to learn!

                                               Anslie and Ava, Tyler and Emma decorating 
                                                   cupcakes.  The boys enjoyed it too!

Anslie teacher her friend Allie how to decorate.

Tyler and buddies more interested in eating that decorating!

                                                   Anslie's beautiful purple rose cupcake.

I have slacked in my spiritual/emotional health keeping in the last few weeks.  With traveling, cub scout camp, and grandma here I haven’t done my usual routines well.  And I was starting to feel it.  But I got back on the horse and it was incredible boost and opened my eyes to some self criticism that was really holding me back.  It sounds funny, but trying to redecorate the house has really made me feel some inadequacy.  Blech.  Its been weighing on me.  Feels good to get out from under it.

I got some great news this week.  Freeman and I have been wanting to move, just to get a cleaner place and more space.  But we looked and looked, and for $600-$800/mo more we will get close to what we have.  Our place is a serious deal!  We decided instead to approach our landlord and ask if she would do some updates and increase our rent by a little.  She said yes.  We’ve had contractors in and out taking measurements on the house.  We are getting granite countertops!  And new tile in the kitchen.  The white tile in the kitchen has truly been the bane of my existence for the last several years.  Looks so gross just a couple days after mopping.  And it is going away!!!! Better than Christmas!!!!!

It was fun taking Tyler with me to buy a gift for the shower.  He was so patient and had great taste in baby clothes.  Fun to be with just him!  And we found a killer deal! Friday the kids each invited a friend to go to the community center with us to swim.  Man, Texas is so hot.  It was a fun afternoon.

Saturday morning I threw a baby shower for my friend, Lauren.   She is having her sixth baby, and the first BOY of the family.  So exciting.  I cleaned like a madwoman and made orange rolls, my favorite berry fruit salad with mint, and little smokies.  Mary Johnson and Melanie Larkin contributed food too, and Teresa let me borrow dishes and flowers.  It was a mad rush on Friday evening, but once kids were in bed I enjoyed making the table and family room look pretty.  We had about 16 people and it was warm and lovely.  She got lots of cute boy clothes.  I really enjoyed providing the party for her.  She is someone that reaches out to so many and loves and celebrates so many in her life, it was nice to do so for her.

Poor Tucker had a fever all day Saturday and slept for more than 6 hours!  But he looks much better today.  Freeman, Anslie and Tyler headed down to Austin to attend Preston’s farwell today (our nephew).  I’m glad the kids could enjoy that experience.

A few other fun/sweet moments to remember:
·       * Tucker and I were home alone while everyone was gone.  He was watercoloring happily and I was writing this.  Soft Sunday music was playing and I took a picture of him working, he was so excited about his art.  This made him happy and he came and sat on my lap.  He rested his little head on my shoulder and we just sat still together, listening to the music.  He said, “Mom, I really feel the spirit right now.”  I did too.  
     * Freeman helped me for hours with cooking and cleaning to get ready for the baby shower.
      Lots of love to you!  Michelle


Sunday, June 18, 2017

June - Week 2 - 2017: Grandma & Cub Scout Camp

Dear Mom and Dad

We’re back in Texas!  It was so fun to be with you!  See my last post to hear about the whole trip. Now its time to settle into routine at home.  And we brought Grandma with us!  Flying was an ordeal for her, but we are grateful she made the sacrifice to be with us.   She is going to be teaching Tucker to read while she’s here, and we will enjoy having her around and getting lots of quality time!

The big new thing for the kids this summer is swim team!  We’ve bucked the Texas trend until now and never committed to swim team, but this year, feeling more relaxed after homeschooling, we werem ore ready for a daily swim session.  Tyler and Anslie have LOVED doing it, especially because there are 5 families from the ward also doing it.  Social time and exercise all packed into an hour!  Tucker struggled at first, he really couldn’t swim more than 10 feet.  But the expectation at practice is that you swim, and he has really stepped up to the plate and is swimming laps and laps, even after just a week of practice.  More accomplished in a week than in 3 years of summer swim lessons! He even went to the meet on Saturday and competed!  This shocked me, but he took it all in stride.  He got 2nd place in backstroke.  The races for his age group are so cute, they are so small they look like little turtles moving through the water.  They really can’t make it all the way across doing freestyle, so they flip on their backs when they are tired and then keep going.  Tyler also competed and did well, he was in the top 8 swimmers out of about 40 for his age group.  Anslie was at a birthday campout with cousins Ava, Carly, and Audrey, all close to the same age.

Tucker racing in freestyle
Sunday was Father’s Day.  We made a special breakfast and the kids presented to Freeman the gifts they’d purchased.  I made him a whole tub of homemade chocolate chip cookie dough.  I got to talk to you on the phone, Dad!  Sure glad you're my Dad, wish I could've been with you. After church we went to Mom and Dad Linton's and enjoyed fajitas and a little program.  A nice day.

Grandpa Linton and grandkids on Father's Day
Love, Shell

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Today was a summer day to remember. I am not especially good at letting my to do list go, but this morning at 8 am it was only 82 degrees. I knew that if we worked first and played later, we would not be playing outside because it would be 104. So we headed out for a20 minute bike ride. The kids wanted to go to a park further than our usual favorite. We rode 20 min away to park with slides, swings, and a grove of trees to adventure in. We made friends with a Mom and her little girl, even Tyler seemed to enjoy playing with her. I had planned to take the kids to see a movie at the Theater, but to my surprise when it was time to go in order to make the movie the kids wanted to stay. It felt soooooo good to ignore the clock and stay as long as they wanted. We meandered to another park that had a fun obstacle course. The kids went over and over it, and kept returning to the swings for more pushes. When th snacks were gone and it started to et hot, we headed home. Our bikes were muddy, and cleaning them turned into a hose water fight. We were hot, sweaty we all showered, had lunch, then worked on "fun list" (chores). The kids helped each other do their work, which made my mama heart happy. What a happy day.

1. Playing at the park for 3 hours.
2. Water fights with the hose.
3. Time to chat with Mom while I made stuff for Activity Days.
4. Tyler asking for my affection.
5. Finishing organizing the closet.
6. Breathing.
7. Tucker holding on to me when it thundered.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February, Weeks 1 and 2

Week 1
Welcome back to real life! Where food doesn’t magically appear in front of you and all the laundry from the past week waits for you!

We arrived home Saturday and Sunday morning getting to church at 8:30 was a little rough. But we made it. It was a nice day. We fasted, Tyler did too. He gave a family home evening lesson on Joseph Smith. We told the kids all about the trip, gave them gifts and showed them the photos and videos we took. Everyone helped with dinner, we made brownies, we played Pit, and we hit the hay!

Monday we celebrated my birthday. Sweet Freeman went to the store at 5:15 to get fun foods for a birthday breakfast. He decorated the kitchen. For dinner he brought me my favorite Zoes Restaurant steak kabobs, dessert from Olive Garden, and surprised me with a gift certificate to get a foot massage. Sweet guy. The family went around the table and told me why they love me at dinner. Tyler said he loves me because I try to live the gospel and try to obey the commandments and go to church, “and,” he said, “Heavenly Father sent us here for a reason. And Mom is trying to live those reasons.” Sweet. I’m glad he can see that I try. Freeman said that he loves that I am patient and forgiving.

Lauren Reber brought me flowers and Stevie gave me herbal tea and a tea mug. Sweet friends!

Week 2
After being postponed twice in January, Anslie and I finally had our big birthday date last weekend. Freeman set us up at a Hotel in Dallas near the Galleria Mall. We arrived at the hotel and after jumping on the beds, left our luggage. We took the shuttle to the mall, had dinner, and I let Anslie pick out some jewelry at The Children’s Place. We came back to the hotel and she opened Grandma Janet’s gift: 5+ crafts for Anslie to do with friends or by herself. She was so excited! We immediately did the homemade lip gloss together. Then Anslie painted my fingernails a lovely shade of violet pink! I surprised her with two gourmet cupcakes with candles and sang her “Happy Birthday.” We read my journal from the day she was born and read her birth blessing. I had forgotten that Freeman blessed her to always be close to the church. He promised that she would have a calming influence where ever she goes. She already does that. And my journal said that I felt immediately that she would be a strong spirit, one that didn’t always have to be in the limelight, but one that would have inner strength. Also already true. We settled in to the movie The Little Princess. At first she wasn’t sure that she liked it, but then didn’t want me to turn it off .

The next morning we had breakfast at the hotel, got ready for the day, and then headed to the American Girl doll store for lunch. They have a bistro in the store. You can bring your doll and they give her a seat at the table and bring dishes out for her too! We had fun asking each other questions that they had sitting in a basket on the table, and after lunch, wandering around the store looking at little pianos, bicycles, skates, beds….they had everything a doll could ever want! We bought her a book.

That evening we attended Flower Mound High School’s musical production of The Little Mermaid. There were 5+ kids from our ward in the production, that made it fun to see. The cast flew with cables when swimming and Ariel had an amazing voice! Super fun.
I loved the time I had with my sweet girl. She is growing up fast. She is a girl that is always herself, speaks from her heart, and is so so much fun. I am so grateful I have her!

Tyler is one busy boy these days. Basketball is almost over and soccer is just starting, and we are running to keep up with both. On Saturday he had a scouts activity, soccer practice, basketball game, and birthday party! I think he wore his poor Dad into the ground!

Tonight Tucker bumped Tyler’s lego ship and Tyler said, rather bothered, “I said to not touch that! How do you listen??!” Tucker looked at him innocently and said, “Well, I have two ears on my head, and they help me!” Silly boy! Tonight as I tucked him in, I told him “Tucker, you are a gift from Heavenly Father to me.” He wrapped his chubby little hands around my neck and said, “Mommy, I am so glad you are my Mommy.” And planted a kiss on my cheek. Oh does life get any sweeter?

We have had preschool at our house this week. On Tuesday we had a Valentines party. The kids brought decorated boxes and bags and we exchanged Valentines. The kids were so excited! Though putting the Valentines in the boxes was a hard process – it was rocket science to put the right Valentine in the right box and not move your own box until all Valentines have been deposited there. Oh my!

On Tuesday afternoon the kids worked hard to finish practicing and homework. It was 68 F outside, so we went to the park, and they rode their bikes furiously for 2 hours! I’ve been sick, so I sat in a chair, wrapped in a blanket, and watched. I was grateful to find a solution that allowed me to rest and still let them play and enjoy the beautiful weather!

I am sick this week. I feel pretty run down and tired. But I’ve been able to stay mentally on top of the fatigue and keep functioning to keep my family functioning. I’m grateful for that.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

I have fallen off the wagon for two years. Oh dear! I may not post pictures, because they take a lot of time to post! But here's our January 2015 happenings.


Week 1-3
January has been a month of renewed intentions and lots of birthday parties! Freeman organized a fit challenge competition for his family to get ready for the cruise. It was wonderful motivation to workout and eat right, and man, I feel so much better when I am doing those things! I challenged the kids to eat no sugar until we left for our cruise, about 4 weeks. I wasn’t sure what their reaction would be, but they accepted the challenge and even carried it out at school and church when they were offered treats. It was hard for all of us, but so rewarding to realize that we can do anything we put our minds to!

For Freeman’s birthday we had a birthday breakfast with homemade cinnamon rolls, bacon, and lots of other yummy things! We gave him the Saturday off for the most part and hoped he felt loved!
Our sweet Tucker boy had a birthday. We made him a train poster and a Boxcar children cake (his request) and had a family party. All he wanted for his birthday was trains. We bought him an electric Thomas and friends engine and so did Grandma Janet, and he was in heaven! I can’t believe he is four!

Anslie also had a birthday, though, poor girl, Grandma Lewis died the weekend we had planned to celebrate. She cried that it had to be postponed, but then accepted it and didn’t complain again. She got to choose between a birthday party with friends or an overnight date with Mom at a hotel. She chose a date with me, so we will do that in February.

Grandmas and Grandpas and friends were so kind to remember our birthdays and celebrate with us!

Week 4

We just returned from a Caribbean Cruise to celebrate Mom and Dad Linton’s 50th Wedding Anniversary with 8 of the 9 siblings and spouses. It was something to remember!

Freeman and I flew in to Ft. Lauderdale Florida on Friday evening. We all met up at the hotel. We enjoyed rooming with Mark and Collette and catching up with them! The next morning we woke early, had breakfast at the hotel, and headed to the Ft. Lauderdale temple. This temple was built in the spring of 2014. It is a small temple, but reminiscent of the Bountiful temple with arched corridors in the front. I loved the inside better than any other temple I’ve seen. With dark woods, gold accents and leaf designs in the lighting, rugs, and stained glass, it was so beautiful. We enjoyed doing family-name sealings together. What an amazing moment to be in the sealing room together and see 9 couples, all of whom I have grown to love and respect so much. None of us is perfect, but we are all trying to live good lives.

We took pictures in front of the temple and then hurried off to catch our ship!

We travelled on the 2nd biggest cruise ship in the world, Royal Caribbean’s Oasis. With over 5,000 passengers, it was an architectural wonder. It had an open-air park with plants and walkways in the center, and a “boardwalk” area off the back with shops and a water theater. It had a huge indoor theater as well as an ice-skating rink, an indoor mall, and numerous restaurants.

Our room was lovely with a bed, couch, and a balcony overlooking the ocean. Mom and Dad had a suite with a living room area that comfortably fit all of us so we could gather and be together in the evenings.

Our second day, Sunday, we came to port at Nassau, Bahamas. All the cruise staff looked confused as we exited the ship in our Sunday clothes while everyone else left wearing swimsuits and flip-flops. We took a van-taxi to the local lds service. Nassau itself was surprisingly run down. It was a breath of fresh air to drive up to the church and see clean cut, beautiful, shining saints walking to church in their dresses and white shirts, their faces all aglow with gospel light! The sacrament meeting talks were sincere and humble. The sweet little black boys in white shirts and ties won my heart. I was especially touched by the closing prayer, where the brother thanked the Lord “for our lives and for our beautiful country.” They don’t have much, but they do have that, and he was grateful.

Dinner was formal that night and Rachael did hair for the ladies. We ate at the Coastal Kitchen, a restaurant for only suite guests. We were delighted by lots of new flavors, especially the unique flatbreads. There was lots of tasting and sharing. We got laughing about our wacky idea of a floating temple cruise, Mom and Dad could be the President and Matron, and maybe an Angel Moroni atop? The restaurant staff brought an anniversary cake and we sang “Happy Annivesary to you.”

Afterwards we gathered in Mom and Dad’s room and presented a few Anniversary gifts to them. Rachael had made an original pencil drawing of Mom and Dad on their wedding day and the Arizona Temple where they were married. I made a photo album of Mom and Dad through the years. Elise made a huge Anniversary banner that we hung in their room. Ardene made a book full of notes and letters from children, grandchildren and other relatives, honoring their marriage. Kristi made a movie of Mom and Dad’s life through the years, with music. It was awesome. Most of us were teary by the end. It was such a special night of love and appreciation. Freeman also presented the winners of the fit challenge with their awards. Go Teresa and Annie!

Monday was a ship day, Freeman and I found a great spot the “Solarium,” a quiet deck on top that overlooked the ocean. We read “The Rent Collector” for a few hours and just relaxed. It was nice. It was Elise’s birthday. We sang to her at dinner. Her birthday got cut a little short since we were in a hurry to get to a water show. The show was amazing, with professional divers jumping from heights up to 50 feet!

Tuesday we stopped at St. Thomas. This time we left the ship ready for the beach and water! St. Thomas is part of the US Virgin islands. Freeman had arranged the whole day. We took a taxi through the island, which was quite hilly! Between the hills and the crazy driving, we all felt a little green by the time we arrived! We met our yacht crew and headed out to sea again. Our crew were great, a captain, second man, and young lady who did the cooking and ship work. The second man was a member of the church with a fascinating story! He and his wife decided years ago to take their children out of school and sail around the world! Since then they have homeschooled and lived in all kinds of exotic places. Now that their teenagers are getting to the age where friends are important, they are considering moving back to the states.

This was such a fun time. The ship was small enough that we all just hung out together. It was fun to soak up the sun, chat, and snap photos. An hour later we arrived on the coast of St. John, at a little bay with great snorkeling. The water was an unbelievable kool-aide turquoise color, the sand white, and behind it, a wall of jungle mountain, with a perfectly straight slope, jetting up into the sky. I felt like I was on a movie set.

We donned snorkeling gear and jumped in. Mom and Dad even jumped in and snorkeled! The water temperature was perfect. I saw a large turtle and a sting ray, and several of us saw sharks. After an hour in the water we hopped back aboard. They had an enormous spread of delicious food for lunch and surprised Mom and Dad with an anniversary cake! I lounged in the front of the ship on the way back and chatted about home-school with Rachael.
It was the funnest day of the cruise, by far.

Wednesday we docked in St. Maarten. Half of the group took a Jeep tour of the island, the other half joined us hanging out at the beach. We took a taxi to Maho beach, known for its airport just feet from the beach. We got some great photos and stood only a couple hundred feet from the back of a jet as it took off (the blast blew some people to the ground!) Next we walked a short distance to another beach and played in the water for awhile until we had to return to the ship. Again, unbelievable water and beautiful sand. On the way back, traffic was bad and our driver took us around to the French side of the island to avoid it. We made it back to the ship with just 15 mintues to spare! After dinner we attended an ice-skating show, the performers were very talented, especially considering that their rink was so small!

Thursday was a ship day. Teresa and I did yoga in the morning. Still feeling calorie inundated, I ran a mile. Next I tried the rock wall, so fun! We especially enjoyed lunch at Giovanni’s, an Italian restaurant. Our waiter, Inshan was super cheerful and funny, and brought us obscene amounts of food. Like 20 platters of food for 6 of us before we were done. I don’t remember the last time I was that full, the food was so gooood, it was hard to stop! That evening was formal night again, Rachael did my hair and we all looked fabulous. Dad talked us into a Merry-go-round ride in formals. Why not?

After dinner we attended an acrobatic performance in the theater. You couldn’t tell we were on a ship, the theater was huge. The performers were very talented, and the show was incredible, and at times, odd.

Friday was our last day on the ship. Teresa and I had been doing yoga, with the hopes that the class would be held on the helipad at the very front of the ship, but it had been too windy. On Friday they finally held the class on the helipad! It was fun to do yoga and have a 180 degree visual of the ocean. I loved being in shavasana and feeling the rise and fall of the ship, hearing the soft whish of the waves, and feeling the sea wind blow across my face. I snapped a mental picture of that moment for later. Later, I tried the zip line and Freeman did another round on the Flo-Rider, a wave machine for surfing on the ship. I joined Teresa and Kristi in my first Zumba class, which was surprisingly super fun! It was our last afternoon, so Freeman and I went to Mom and Dad’s huge balcony and soaked up the sun. Freeman and Isaac tried the Hibachi restaurant and Rachael and I had salads and talked on the balcony some more.

After dinner, we returned to Mom and Dad’s room for one final night together. Mom and Dad said a few words, and then Dad sang two love songs to Mom. It was the sweetest expression of love. Hans suggested that we go around the room and share what we appreciate about Mom and Dad’s marriage, and we did. I felt the spirit testify of eternal families and the enormous blessings that come from trusting the Lord’s promises. I was touched by the tenderness I witnessed between Mom and Dad, and felt so grateful for the good lives of all of Freeman’s siblings. It is good to be a part of something so special. Mom and Dad aren’t perfect. Their parenting hasn’t been perfect. Their marriage hasn’t been perfect. But they have been loyal and true to each other and to the promises they made to God. They kept trying when things were hard and they believed things could work. And, what do you know, they did. Beautiful things have come from years of effort, persistence, hard work, and doing their best to do what they perceive the Lord wants them to do.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


December 12, 2012

Counting more gifts:
7. Delicious, hot beef stew.
8. Seeing Tyler win and be rewarded for his talent.
9. A broken camera suddenly working again.
10. Kids liked the tuna once they tried it.
11. Tucker while I rock him. “Song, mommy. Please mommy.”
12. Remembering that all things are more delicious when you’ve been deprived of them. Deprivation is the secret to freshened appreciation.
13. Learning how to disagree with love.
14. Parmesean rolls rising on the counter.
15. Clean white tile floors (a blessing only once clean!!!)
16. Playing “Angels we have heard on high” on the piano while children stand on couches, with arms outstretched, pretending to be angels and sing “Gloria!” to the top of their lungs.
17. Lubs and kisses from Tuck. Requests for me to kiss his fire truck, its wheels, its windows, and his stuffed buffalo.
18. Kids begging me at night to read just one more page of “Farmer Boy” , Laura Ingalls Wilder.
19. Turning over the question of how to point out disrespect without losing connection.
20. Happy Tucker for four hours of shopping. Yes four.
21. Using leftover butternut squash soup to make curry sauce. It worked. Don’t tell Freeman.
22. Volunteering at Ty’s school and feeling like a real Mom.

Blink and December is half over.

Journey to Bethlehem will be a new tradition for us. A Methodist church in the area puts on a nativity, but to such a scale! There are dozens of costumed participants, and you are invited to travel with a Jewish family from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. We encountered thieves in the forest and wise men. Bethlehem was an actual city with a wall! We wandered through the city inside with period merchants, children, soldiers…it was amazing. We found a young couple in a stable behind the city with a baby. It was an awesome visual for the kids. Fun to go with a new friend, an amazing Christian woman in my neighborhood.

Last week was, well, bursting with children. On Friday night we hosted a cousin Polar Express Party with 10 kids. We decorated cookies, read the book, watched the movie, and enjoyed general mayhem. The next weekend we enjoyed having cousins Ava and Dovie stay. We went to the Flower Mound Christmas parade (in Texas you can do such things in December). We brought home ridiculous amounts of candy and the kids were in heaven.

The temperatures have been in the mid 70s for the last couple weeks. Crazy. Its nice. Maybe if I keep telling myself that, I will stop pining to wear sweaters?

Tucker is killing me these days. Goodness babies are cute and fun. The other two kids donned aprons and were painting this afternoon. Tucker marched over to the apron hook and insisted until I put one on him. Then he looked me in the eye, pointed to the paint project and said, “Make! Make!” Tyler was sweet to let him sit on his lap and guide his hand with a painbrush in it. It is such a thrill to see a little person progress.

Aren't they wonderful?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

November, Part II

We enjoyed Thanksgiving at Grandma Lintons with the Stolles, McCulloughs, and Brcye and Teresa. The pies were amazing. I was in charge of a skit, which Ty and Anslie helped me make sets and costumes for. I enjoyed an hour of chatting with Colette and Mark while I made costumes, they are wonderful people.

And I must record that the annual Nutcracker date with Anslie has already taken place! Teresa and her girls joined us. Anslie and I took a full hour and a half curling hair, putting on make up, and getting pretty for the evening. She is my sweet angel and I love her to pieces. Here she is with cousins.

I’m starting a gratitude list, I try to write down 3 things I’m thankful for everyday, then I’ll report to the blog. That will be 1000 things by next Christmas? Thanks, Ann Voscamp. Here we go:

1. Painting sets with the kids.
2. The smell of cold fall air as we rode bikes home at sunset, burnt leaves meets something pumpkin baking?
3. Having Tyler home from school. His kindness when my neck hurt at the store.
4. Tucker answering every question with an emphatic “shyes.” (yes)
5. Finishing “Little House on the Prairie” with the kids. On the last page the family drives away from the prairie and leaves the house they spent a year building. But happiness is simple and doesn’t require much. They understood that, with nothing but their wagon. I do too.
6. Tucker yelling to everyone when he wakes up “Mohning!” (good morning!)

Here's an asleep in the highchair shot. Just because. Makes ya wanna kiss those cheeks, eh?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

November, Part I

November roared in with all the hope and enthusiasm a presidential election can generate. Barack Obama had been in office for the last four years. I've found him to be very likable on a personal level, and brilliant at speaking and connecting with his audience. I believe he has a compassionate heart. However, I disagree with several of his philosophies including and especially his attitude toward debt and his solutions to it. I don't believe in debt in most situations. Though pundits, politicians and scholars will tell me that economical cycles are complicated, I truly believe that the microcosm of my family can be applied to larger human systems. I don't believe debt is solved by more debt. And I don't believe that relying on wealthy relatives to relieve your debt, rather than making sacrifices and negotiations can be best and only answer. It might be one part of a larger solution, but its not a responsible solution in and of itself. I've seen it up close and personal. Expecting only those with abundance to help solve a collective problem actually atrophies the abilities of those who have less but are not expected to help. It's happened to me, and it was alarming. We respect and honor people when we expect them to contribute to a solution. We degrade them and shrink their vision of themselves when we relieve them of their piece of responsibility.

Elections always matter. This one mattered a lot. I spent an hour making phone calls for Mitt Romney. I wish I'd done more. The night of November 6th rolled around. We knew Romney was the underdog, but there was that hope that America would surprise us. The kids had lots of questions. Why did I want Mitt Romney to win? Why do some people want President Obama to win? What are taxes anyway? The kids made'Go Mitt' signs with maps of America and Texan flags and we decked the kitchen out. I told them that someday they might to vote differently than I do, and that would be ok. All I ask is that they think it over, and that they DO vote.

Here's the handiwork.

They went to bed before the results rolled in. I told them the next morning that President Obama won. What would that mean? They wanted to know. Would we have to pay more taxes? I told them I wasn't sure exactly. I have a feeling of foreboding, that dread when something bad is coming your way. However, I also have peace, rooted in faith. Not that there won't be consequences to the election, but that the greater purposes of the Lord roll forward no matter the circumstance of the world.

The second week in November my Grandma Faunda Ree Hatch passed away.

She was had been transferred to a nursing home and suddenly fell ill. She did not suffer, and passed away within a few days. I traveled to Utah for her funeral. It was a blessed trip, made possible by Freeman who picked up the slack and home and several family members that sacrificed to help with kids.

I spent all day Thursday with my sister, and we found the perfect gift for Dad. I had dinner with my brother and wife and their two cute kids. Zachy and Trevy are EXCEPTIONALLY cute. I spent several hours chatting it up with my other brother in the car as we drove, he was so considerate to share his car with me. We disagree about a lot of things philosophically, but we both try to extend the courtesy of expression and owning your opinion to one another. It was wonderful to be with him. We had moments of understanding, and I feel like our friendship is so valuable. I hope he could feel my love and my honesty.

The funeral was beautiful. Dad gave her life sketch. He said, “She was raised on a farm near Rexburg, Idaho, where she learned how to work. She tromped hay on the wagon and threw hay up on the wagon, ran the derrick horse that lifted the hay onto the stack and just before she was married she plowed a field for her father. When she was married her father promised her she could take his car on her honeymoon if she would come back and work. She went on her honeymoon for two days and then came back home and worked for four days.”

He told the story of Grandma when she first was engaged to a man before she knew Grandpa. She brought the Catholic fellow home to meet her father and her father did not like him. He told Grandma that if she married the man, he would shoot him. Certain that he was being funny or melodramatic, she replied that he couldn't shoot him because her fiance would die and her Dad would go to jail. Without any expression her father said he'd prefer that than to have her marry the wrong man. Grandma was furious but broke off the engagement. Note to self, its ok to have strong opinions about my children's fiances??

Dad said, “She still had a broken heart and was a little bitter and was not in the mood to entertain another soldier, but when she met him (Grandpa Hatch) he was very handsome and since they were in a one room apartment she didn’t have a choice so she sat down to talk (he had come to visit with her sister, who was engaged to Grandpa Hatch’s brother). Mom’s mother was there and said to father, “Maybe some pretty young thing will sit by you on the way [ to Fort Lewis] and change the course of your life.” He looked at mother and said to her mother, “I’ve already found the girl that will change the course of my life.” Mother “scowled” and her mother took a breath. Later father said he knew when he saw her she was the one he wanted to marry. “

“While they were dating they had a funny experience. They took a romantic walk down the lane and when they came to High Creek he offered to carry her across. He carried her over and set her down under a tree in the shade. It was perfect. It was romantic. Then she felt something warm underneath her. “What did you set me on?” she asked. “Nothing”, he said. She put her hand underneath her dress and felt a fresh cow pie. It was on her fingers and on her dress. Romance fled. Despite the cow pie and the fact that father got a bloody nose on their first kiss, they were married in the Idaho Falls temple on September 11, 1946.”

And this might be my very favorite story of all time about Grandma Faun: “Mother also taught us the importance of communication. Once when she came home from a trip she expected the family to greet her with excitement and love. Instead when she came in the door father was on the phone and he waived when she came in and we children were down stairs watching “Tarzan”. She was disappointed and thought maybe she should pout to teach us a lesson, but then a quiet thought came into her mind that said, “You can still have your homecoming if you wait patiently until they come and then explain to them what you want.” When we did come to her room she expressed her love and happiness to see us and then said she wanted a happy home coming and asked if she went back out to the car and came back in the house if we would all run out the front door and greet her excitedly. She asked us each to say something such as “Look, Mom is home” and “We missed you so much” and “Did you bring us anything?” She asked dad to say, “Things are not the same when you are gone.” A miracle happened. We all played our role and laughed together. There was no opportunity for the adversary to darken our reunion with the spirit of gloom. She said “The feeling of [gloom] that prevails when mother pouts and no one knows why creates sad little faces, confused husbands, and guarantees a heavy spirited atmosphere which is a perfect playground for the adversary.” She also said, “It is difficult to read the human mind. I have found that my family is willing, and often excited, to give me almost anything I need if I am willing to explain what I want.”

Aunt Shelley talked about the home Grandma Faun created. Grandma had tremendous social talent. She was always laughing. She made everyone around her feel seen, accepted, loved, and listened to. And she just made everything funny. Shelly recounted that the addage "Out of life's dreariness, into its cheeriness, come we in weariness, home" was so very true of their home. Their home was full of joy, laughter, love, and understanding. Grandma and Grandpa were dedicated to family home evening, family prayer, and always ate together as a family. Grandma lined the kids up at the window every morning to wave bye to their father as he left for work and gathered them to shout "hurray!" three times every evening when Grandpa came home. She was almost always cheerful and sang much of the day. When she wasn't cheerful, she was quick to apologize. She loved to teach her children and Shelley remembers Grandma pulling out a sheet of butcher paper and taping it to the pantry door, and writing the 12 tribes of Israel so the children could memorize them. She was ALWAYS seeking spiritual learning and sharing what she learned with others, right up until her death.

Stan also spoke and expressed the reassurance he’d felt of the spirit that Grandma would be allowed to be part of the heavenly workers that would serve, bless, and guard her children, grandchildren, and posterity. What a wonderful gift.

I sat in the funeral and soaked it all in. I watched Dad and his four siblings, sitting together at the graveside, 2 men and 3 women, holding hands, hearts full of loss and love, but mostly full of appreciation and gratitude . I looked over the congregation of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, people so full of Grandma’s passionate, loving, vivacious spirit. The Moores and their children, Stan’s children, Katie and Dallas, Matt and Haley, Stacey and her husband. Johnny, Stephen, Denise and I. Grandma and Grandpa didn’t aspire to church offices. Grandma spoke lovingly about all her family, whether in the church or out. They were humble followers of Christ who let the joy of love and family permeate their lives. I felt so strongly that her life was a tremendous success, having raised such a LOVING family, having created so much joy with them. That is what God intends for us. Joy.

My dear Grandpa Lane, my mother’s father also has failing health. They do not expect him to survive another month. I visited him with Johnny. He is unable to walk now, and is recovery from pneumonia, but has stage 4 heart failure. Johnny and I peppered him with questions and I wanted to record some details I didn’t know about him.

- He was named Lane after his Uncle John Lane. This uncle was a funny guy and teased his sister when he came to see the baby, “That’s the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen!” She replied, “Well, then, I’ll name him after you!”

- When the bishop gave him a blessing (bishops, not fathers, did this in those days) he named him “Elaina Alberta” and had to be corrected!

- He would have been sent to Japan when he was in the army, but he had hay fever, so they kept him in the states. Instead, he painted garbage cans in an army camp in Texas and then eventually trained as a surgical technician. He slept on the surgery table every third night because the surgery room was the only air conditioned room on base! He would have been made an officer, but had poor eyesight so couldn’t be advanced. However, he was the best target shooter in his cavalry.

- He passed his undergrad science test by one point! He thought he’d failed by one point, but then after examining it, found the professor had made a mistake, worthy two points, and barely passed!

- He said about his mother, Margaret, “She was the most wonderful woman in the world. I could tell her anything, which I didn’t feel with my father. She was listening, inviting, had a way to calm my fears. She had a magnetic personality. She also had a gift for natural healing and nursed many people back to health, free of charge.”

Johnny said to Grandpa, “I’ve always respected you for being a scientist. Could you tell me about the role science has played in your gaining knowledge and learning about the world?” Grandpa had been “confused” according to the nurses the day before. It was poignant to hear him answer authentically and clearly. He said that there had been a scientist in Europe who had a theory he believed he had proved called ionization. The scientific world rejected him and his idea. When he applied to school to gain his doctorate, the school rejected him because of this theory. Years later, other scientists proved this theory to be true. A scientist requires evidence to believe something is true. There have been many scientists who believe there is God and have faith. There have also been many scientists who do not believe. What is evidence to one man is not evidence to another.

We also asked Grandpa what is the secret to a happy marriage. I expected him to give a list, or say that it is hard to boil down. He smiled and said, “I have a ready answer for you. One word. Kindness.” And he has been as perfect an example of kindness in marriage that I have ever known. I never heard him speak an unkind word to or about Grandma. Even when she had her first stroke and became easily sharp and irritated, Grandpa’s kindness was unfailing.

What a heritage I have.

October 2012

October is mostly a blur of unpacking boxes. We did, however manage to squeeze some fun in. There was the pumpkin carving family home evening:

The trip to the pumpkin patch with cousins:

Trick or treating with new friends from our neighborhood:

And some obligatory Halloween costume close-ups. I may be a little biased, but I think she's the cutest Cinderella on the planet. And the bumble-baby? And the handsome firefighter?:

July - Week 1 - 2017

Dear Mom, Dad and Susan Happy Independence day this week!  Dad and Susan, I hope you had a great time! It was so fun to have you here, ...